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Easy Tutorial: How to Remove Checkered Background from Image in Photoshop for a Seamless Finish

Easy Tutorial: How to Remove Checkered Background from Image in Photoshop for a Seamless Finish

Learn how to remove a checkered background from an image using Photoshop. Say goodbye to distracting backgrounds and hello to professional-looking photos!

Are you tired of having a checkered background on your favorite images? Do you want to remove that annoying pattern and make your photos look more professional? Well, you're in luck because today we're going to show you how to remove a checkered background from an image using Photoshop.

First things first, open up your image in Photoshop and select the Magic Wand tool from the toolbar on the left-hand side. Click on the checkered background to select it, and then hit the delete key on your keyboard. Voila! Your checkered background has been removed. But wait, there's more!

If your image has multiple colors in the background, you may need to use the Quick Selection tool instead. This tool allows you to select specific areas of an image based on color and texture. Simply click and drag over the area you want to select, and Photoshop will do the rest.

Now, let's say you have a more complex image with a checkered background that overlaps with the subject of the photo. In this case, you'll need to use the Pen tool to create a path around the subject. Once you've created the path, right-click on it and select Make Selection. This will create a selection around your subject, allowing you to delete the checkered background behind it.

But what if you don't want to delete the checkered background entirely? Maybe you just want to replace it with something else. In that case, create a new layer behind your image and fill it with the color or pattern of your choice. Then, use the Magic Wand tool to select the checkered background on your original layer and hit delete. This will reveal your new background layer underneath.

Another option is to use the Clone Stamp tool to clone parts of your image onto the checkered background. This works best when you have a simple image with a small checkered background. Simply select the Clone Stamp tool from the toolbar, and then Alt-click on an area of your image that you want to clone. Then, click and drag over the checkered background to replace it with the cloned area.

If you're working with a more complex image, you may need to use a combination of these methods to remove the checkered background. Don't be afraid to experiment and try different techniques until you find one that works for you.

One thing to keep in mind is that removing a checkered background can sometimes leave behind jagged edges or artifacts. To avoid this, make sure you zoom in on your image and use the Eraser tool or the Brush tool to clean up any rough edges.

In conclusion, removing a checkered background from an image in Photoshop is a simple process that can greatly improve the look of your photos. Whether you're a professional photographer or just someone who likes to tinker with images, these tips will help you achieve a polished and professional look.

So go ahead, give it a try! Your images will thank you.


When it comes to image editing, Adobe Photoshop is the go-to software for most professionals. One common problem faced by many designers and photographers is removing a checkered background from an image. This can be a time-consuming task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be done efficiently. In this article, we will discuss how to remove a checkered background from an image in Photoshop.

The Magic Wand Tool

The Magic Wand tool is a great tool in Photoshop for selecting areas of an image based on color and tone. To use this tool for removing a checkered background, start by opening your image in Photoshop. Then select the Magic Wand tool from the toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen. Click on the background area of the image that you want to remove. You may need to adjust the tolerance level until you have selected all the checkered areas. Once you have made your selection, press the delete key to remove the background.

The Lasso Tool

The Lasso tool is another great tool for selecting specific areas of an image. To use this tool, select it from the toolbar and then draw around the checkered background that you want to remove. You can do this by clicking and dragging your mouse around the edges of the background. Once you have made your selection, press the delete key to remove the background. This method can be more time-consuming than using the Magic Wand tool, but it gives you more control over your selection.

The Eraser Tool

The Eraser tool is a handy tool for removing small areas of an image. To use this tool, select it from the toolbar and then choose a brush size that suits the area you want to remove. Then, click and drag your cursor over the checkered background to remove it. This method is best used for small areas of the image and can be time-consuming if you need to remove a large area of the background.

The Select and Mask Tool

The Select and Mask tool is a powerful tool for refining your selections in Photoshop. To use this tool, first select the Lasso or Magic Wand tool and make your selection. Then, click on the Select and Mask button in the toolbar. Here, you can refine your selection by adjusting the edge detection, smoothing, and other options. Once you are happy with your selection, press the OK button to apply it to your image.

The Background Eraser Tool

The Background Eraser tool is a great tool for removing complex backgrounds from images. To use this tool, select it from the toolbar and then adjust the brush size and hardness to suit your needs. Then, click and drag your cursor over the checkered background to remove it. This tool is great for removing backgrounds that have multiple colors and tones.

Layer Masks

Layer masks are a powerful tool in Photoshop for non-destructive editing. To use a layer mask for removing a checkered background, start by duplicating your image layer. Then, use one of the methods mentioned above to remove the background from the duplicate layer. Next, select the original layer and add a layer mask by clicking on the Layer Mask button at the bottom of the Layers panel. Use a black brush to paint over the areas of the image that you want to hide. This will reveal the edited duplicate layer underneath.

Refining Edges

When removing a checkered background, you may find that the edges of your selection are not perfect. To refine your edges, select the layer that contains your image and then click on the Select and Mask button in the toolbar. Here, you can adjust the edge detection, smoothing, and other options to refine your edges. You can also use the Refine Edge Brush tool to manually refine your edges.

Save Your Image

Once you have removed the checkered background from your image, it's time to save it. To save your image, go to File > Save As and choose a file format that suits your needs. If you want to preserve the transparency of your image, choose a format that supports transparency, such as PNG or GIF.


Removing a checkered background from an image in Photoshop can be a time-consuming task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be done efficiently. Whether you use the Magic Wand tool, the Lasso tool, or the Background Eraser tool, there are many ways to remove a checkered background from your image. Remember to save your image in a format that supports transparency if you want to preserve the transparency of your image. With these tips in mind, you can confidently remove checkered backgrounds from your images in Photoshop.

Ready to level up your photo editing game? Say goodbye to checkered backgrounds in your images with this simple Photoshop tutorial. Tired of seeing those pesky checkered squares in your images? Follow these easy steps to remove them and achieve a clean, professional look. Don't let a checkered background ruin an otherwise great photo. With just a few clicks, you can remove it and make your image pop.Whether you're a professional photographer or just looking to spruce up your personal photos, this tutorial will help you remove checkered backgrounds and take your editing skills to the next level. Sick of struggling with complicated editing software? This user-friendly guide will walk you through the steps to remove checkered backgrounds in Photoshop.For a flawless finish, it's important to eliminate any distractions in your images - including checkered backgrounds. Learn how to do it easily with this tutorial. Want to make your product photos stand out? Removing the checkered background is a crucial step in achieving a polished, professional look.Don't let a busy background detract from your subject. Follow these simple steps to remove the checkered background and make your images shine. Ready to elevate your social media game? Removing the checkered background from your images will give them a clean, cohesive look that's sure to impress.Whether you're editing photos for work or play, this tutorial will teach you how to remove the checkered background and create stunning, high-quality images. So, let's get started!Step 1: Open the Image in PhotoshopThe first step is to open your image in Photoshop. Go to File > Open and select the image you want to edit. Once you've opened your image, you'll notice the checkered background around it.Step 2: Create a New LayerNext, create a new layer by clicking on the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. This will add a new layer on top of your image.Step 3: Fill the New LayerWith the new layer selected, go to Edit > Fill. In the Fill dialog box, select Content-Aware from the drop-down menu and click OK. This will fill the new layer with content that matches the surrounding area of your image.Step 4: Move the New LayerNow, move the new layer below your original image layer by dragging it down in the Layers panel. Your checkered background should now be covered by the new layer.Step 5: Save Your ImageOnce you're happy with your edited image, save it by going to File > Save As. Give your image a new name and select your preferred file format before clicking Save.Congratulations! You've successfully removed the checkered background from your image in Photoshop. With these simple steps, you can now take your editing skills to the next level and create stunning, high-quality images.

Removing Checkered Background from Image in Photoshop

The Process of Removing Checkered Background in Photoshop

Photoshop is a powerful tool that can be used to remove checkered background from images. The process of removing checkered background from an image in Photoshop involves the following steps:

  1. Open the image in Photoshop
  2. Select the Magic Wand tool from the toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen
  3. Click on the checkered background with the Magic Wand tool to select it
  4. Press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove the checkered background
  5. Save the image as a new file

Pros of Removing Checkered Background from Image in Photoshop

There are several pros to removing checkered background from an image in Photoshop, including:

  • Cleaner and more professional-looking images
  • More flexibility when using the image in different contexts
  • Ability to add a new background or layer to the image

Cons of Removing Checkered Background from Image in Photoshop

However, there are also some cons to consider when removing the checkered background from an image in Photoshop, such as:

  • Loss of original context and background of the image
  • Time-consuming process, especially for complex images
  • Possible loss of some parts of the image during the removal process

{{Keywords}} Table Information

Keyword Definition
Photoshop A graphics editing software developed and published by Adobe Inc.
Magic Wand tool A tool in Photoshop used for selecting areas of similar color or tone.
Checkered background A default transparent background in Photoshop that is made up of a grid of white and gray squares.
Flexibility The ability to adapt or change easily to different situations or contexts.
Loss of context The removal of the original background or context of an image, potentially affecting its meaning or relevance.

How to Remove Checkered Background from Image in Photoshop

Have you ever tried to use an image with a checkered background only to find out that it ruins the overall look of your design? Well, you’re not alone. This common issue can be frustrating, but thankfully, it can be easily remedied with the right tools and techniques. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to remove a checkered background from an image using Photoshop.

Step 1: Open your image in Photoshop

The first step is to open your image in Photoshop. To do this, go to File > Open and locate the image you want to edit on your computer. Once you’ve selected the image, click ‘Open’ to begin editing.

Step 2: Create a new layer

Next, create a new layer by clicking on the ‘Create a new layer’ icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. This will ensure that your original image remains untouched, allowing you to make changes to a separate layer.

Step 3: Select the Magic Wand tool

Now, select the Magic Wand tool from the toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen. This tool allows you to select areas of your image based on color similarity.

Step 4: Adjust the Magic Wand tool settings

Before using the Magic Wand tool, it’s important to adjust its settings. In the options bar at the top of the screen, set the Tolerance to around 32. This will ensure that the tool selects all areas of the checkered background that are similar in color.

Step 5: Select the checkered background

Using the Magic Wand tool, click on the checkered background to select it. You may need to hold down the Shift key to select multiple areas of the background.

Step 6: Refine your selection

Once you’ve selected the checkered background, you may notice that some areas have been missed or that other areas have been selected that shouldn’t have been. To refine your selection, use the Lasso tool to add or subtract areas as needed.

Step 7: Invert your selection

After you’ve refined your selection, go to Select > Inverse to invert your selection. This will select everything in your image except for the checkered background.

Step 8: Delete the checkered background

With your selection still active, press the Delete key on your keyboard to delete the checkered background. You should now have a clean, transparent background.

Step 9: Save your image

Once you’ve removed the checkered background, it’s time to save your image. Go to File > Save As and choose a file format that supports transparency, such as PNG or GIF.

Step 10: Enjoy your new image

Congratulations! You’ve successfully removed the checkered background from your image using Photoshop. Now you can enjoy your new, improved image and use it in your designs without any distractions.

In conclusion, removing a checkered background from an image in Photoshop is a simple process that can greatly enhance the overall look of your designs. With these easy steps, you’ll be able to create images that are clean and professional-looking, making your work stand out from the crowd.

Thank you for reading! We hope this article has been helpful in teaching you how to remove a checkered background from an image in Photoshop.

People Also Ask: How to Remove Checkered Background from Image in Photoshop

Why should I remove the checkered background from my image?

The checkered background, also known as the transparent background, is used to indicate which parts of an image are transparent. In some cases, you may want to remove this checkered background to give your image a more polished look or to use it on a different colored background.

What tools do I need to remove the checkered background from my image?

You will need Adobe Photoshop, which is a powerful photo editing software. Photoshop has various tools that allow you to remove the checkered background from your image, including the Magic Wand tool, the Lasso tool, and the Eraser tool.

How do I remove the checkered background from my image using the Magic Wand tool?

  1. Open your image in Photoshop.
  2. Select the Magic Wand tool from the toolbar on the left-hand side.
  3. Click on the part of the image that you want to remove the checkered background from. This will select that area of the image.
  4. Press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove the checkered background from the selected area.
  5. Repeat this process for any other areas of the image that you want to remove the checkered background from.

How do I remove the checkered background from my image using the Lasso tool?

  1. Open your image in Photoshop.
  2. Select the Lasso tool from the toolbar on the left-hand side.
  3. Draw around the part of the image that you want to remove the checkered background from. This will select that area of the image.
  4. Press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove the checkered background from the selected area.
  5. Repeat this process for any other areas of the image that you want to remove the checkered background from.

How do I remove the checkered background from my image using the Eraser tool?

  1. Open your image in Photoshop.
  2. Select the Eraser tool from the toolbar on the left-hand side.
  3. Click and drag the Eraser tool over the part of the image that you want to remove the checkered background from.
  4. Release the mouse button to remove the checkered background from the selected area.
  5. Repeat this process for any other areas of the image that you want to remove the checkered background from.

By following these simple steps, you can easily remove the checkered background from your image in Photoshop and give it a more professional look.